Good software is always evolving. The developers of modern software products are continuously challenged to define those features are essential (bringing real value to all customers) and which are merely nice-to-have (bringing marginal value for a limited number of customers). Not easy!

As a current user, you already know that Pipedrive is a great CRM. Even great products can however always be improved, and we’d love to hear from you.
If you find that your favorite feature request does not yet appear in this list, we invite you to please a comment to add it!
For general feature requests use the community in the feedback & suggestions channel.

The following is the current list of the Top 6 feature requests. If you agree that the Pipedrive development team should add these functions urgently, please click on the “vote”-Button. It will lead you to the Pipedrive community with a corresponding posting. Support this request by liking it!

Thank you for your interest, and your support! We strive collectively to improve Pipedrive for all users.

Adjust visible fields in the deal cards

In the Pipeline view you have very specific information you can see in the boxes. Which is the Deal Title, Organisation, Value and Status and the Label Color:

Pipedrive Deal Cards

It would really make sense beeing able to set the content of the box according to you own needs. In some cases you want to see the contact name or maybe the product. Or custom fields like a deal source.


Tax exclusive button in products

If you add a product you can set a price tax included or without taxes:


There WAS a button “tax excluded” but the Pipedrive engineers removed it. There are many countries which would need it urgently.


Email sync with all addresses of a person

Your contact person may have easily several email addresses. Maybe he works for different companies or likes switching between his aliases.


Pipedrive just syncs one of the addresses. So just with a primary address.


Email sync with Alias of a Pipedrive user

Sometimes you might have different email adresses in use. Pipedrive just allowes you to use one address to sync. In Gmail you can switch between your Aliases and can choose which one you want to use.


Access to general workflows at least for admins

If there’s something strange happening in your Pipelines very often you might blame your colleagues because they set up a workflow which doesn’t work properly. Even as admin you are not allowed to look at their workflows. And if a collagues leaves the company his workflows are gone.

The admin should have access to all workflows in order to maintain a proper and working Pipedrive. Besides that you should be able to sort by name like the email templates or the filters. If you are using some of them it is not easy to keep it clean.


Real multilanguage for Pipedrive

Pipedrive can be used in 21 languages. But you can not translate your custom fields. So if you are working in an international company, you have to chose one language for everybody and name your personal fields in this language. Does this make sense?



Pipedrive listens closely to what they audience needs. In some cases the developpers team will do what we suggest. Here you will find a list with feature requests which were implemented.

Deactivation of auto activity

After marking an activity as done a new activity opens. The idea is great: A good sales person is always comander in his deals. And a good comander knows what to do next. But in some cases this function can be annoying or even worst.

Solved, but: You can only deactive this function on company level and pipeline level, not on personal level. Some people love it some people hate it. We would recommend allowing to deactivate this function individually.